Australian Chinese Lifestyle Communities (ACLC) 澳华夕阳红-"中式抱团养老"社区

Created to support Chinese seniors transitioning into aged care and to ensure their facility adapts to cater for their cultural traditions and values


Do you need to place someone into Chinese aged care?

Supporting and caring for our elderly can be quite stressful and demanding. Fortunately, HAAA and Whatever Support Whenever (wSw) make the aged care pathway clear.

Australian Chinese Lifestyle Communities (ACLC) was created to support Chinese seniors transitioning into aged care and to ensure their facility adapts to cater for their cultural traditions and values.

The service includes comprehensive 24/7 placement and support for those requiring nursing care; as well as assistance for those suffering from a chronic disease, mobility issues, brain degeneration, mental/physical disabilities, behavioural problems and other ailments.

Whilst there are many high quality aged care facilities available in Australia, Chinese seniors are disadvantaged by: A limited number of Chinese specific facilities, communication difficulties, unpalatable food options, diverse cultural backgrounds lacking in intimacy, complex administration processes and issues faced by many existing Chinese residents.

Understanding these concerns, wSw and HAAA have invested heavily in developing unique aged care options specifically for Chinese people. These boutique Chinese communities are situated within the boundaries of a select number of high quality care facilities.

The objective is to have Chinese care and support accommodation options strategically located across Melbourne. This will provide more choices and options for the Chinese community to choose where they would like their loved ones to be supported and cared for.





澳洲的照护机构很多。但对我们华人长者来说最大的顾虑有以下几点: 华人照护机构寥寥无几,一床难求、语言沟通不顺畅、饮食习惯不同、文化背景差异、环境缺少亲切感、申请入驻手续繁杂、散居在养老院的华人长者无法得到预期的养老体验。

HAAA 是个具有15年专业养老安置经验的服务公司;Whatever Support Whenever (WSW) 是集华人养老、急性期后、慢性病、脑退化、精神及行为等问题的家庭和社区24/7即时综合性服务公司。这些都是澳大利亚社会保障链条中不可缺少的重要环节。

针对多年来困扰华人养老的一系列难题,经过长达两年的精心策划和筹备,我们诚意向您推荐澳华夕阳红“中式抱团养老”方案。这是wSw特意为华人长者量身定制的, 澳洲首推的“中式抱团养老”社区模式。我们在不同地区精选高品质的照护机构,在这些照护机构的特定区域为您打造华人生活社区。以优质、人文、周到、细致的服务,让您感受到故乡的温暖。





澳洲的照護機構很多。但對我們華人長者來說最大的顧慮有以下幾點: 華人照護機構寥寥無幾,一床難求、語言溝通不順暢、飲食習慣不同、文化背景差異、環境缺少親切感、申請入駐手續繁雜、散居在養老院的華人長者無法得到預期的養老體驗。

HAAA 是個具有15年專業養老安置經驗的服務公司;Whatever Support Whenever (wSw) 是集華人養老、急性期後、慢性病、腦退化、精神及行為等問題的家庭和社區24/7即時綜合性服務公司。這些都是澳大利亞社會保障鏈條中不可缺少的重要環節。

針對多年來困擾華人養老的一系列難題,經過長達兩年的精心策劃和籌備,我們誠意向您推薦澳華夕陽紅“中式抱團養老”方案。這是wSw特意為華人長者量身定制的, 澳洲首推的“中式抱團養老”社區模式。我們在不同地區精選高品質的照護機構,在這些照護機構的特定區域為您打造華人生活社區。以優質、人文、周到、細致的服務,讓您感受到故鄉的溫暖。


✅Assistance with admission paperwork, pensions, Aged care fees & charges

✅Ensure that you are placed in the most appropriate ACLC facility

✅Qualified Chinese speaking carers

✅Delicious, nutritious, seasonal Chinese cuisine

✅Cultural entertainment, activities, excursions & events

✅Chinese look & feel interior decoration

✅24/7 Admission triage & support

















Media Coverage 媒體報道:

ACLC 24/7 Admission Triage & Support

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